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Adventures in Farm Business Planning
Course Introduction
Course Overview
Business Planning Basics
The Business Planning Process
Why Write a Business Plan?
Components of a Written Business Plan
Finding Your Why
Finding Your Why
Getting Words on Paper
Capture those Beliefs, Values, Why Statements
Vision and Goals
The Importance of Vision Statements
Translating Your Vision into Goals
Bookkeeping for Farmers
How Bookkeeping Works and Charts of Accounts
Integrating Ecommerce Sales with your books
Fixing Past Bookkeeping Errors (Coming Soon)
Quickbooks online demos (coming soon)
Financial Statements
Compiling and reading the 3 big financial statements
Cost of Production
Costs of Production
Introducing the Seven P's of Niche Marketing
The Four Main Ingredients of a Successful Food Product
Managing People
Labor Planning, Part 1: Organizational Charting
Planning, Part 2: Finding and Hiring Employees
Communication and Labor Management
Planning Ahead
Financial Forecasting
Resiliency Testing (Coming Soon!)
Applying for Financing (Coming Soon!)
The Four Main Ingredients of a Successful Food Product
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